Macomb Invisalign treatmentMost of us aren’t born with “perfect” smiles. Our teeth are prey to genetic predisposition, the effects of time, and signs of trauma. These factors combine to result in crooked teeth that aren’t aligned the way you’d like them to be. At the same time, we’re not all fortunate enough to receive orthodontic treatment when we’re children. Having braces as a kid is socially acceptable, and it can also make treatment go by more quickly because teeth and bones haven’t finished developing. But that doesn’t mean that adulthood renders orthodontic treatment impossible. Alternative treatment options will result in straighter teeth without frustration.

How Invisalign Works

In order to straighten your teeth, orthodontic treatment must apply consistent pressure to your teeth to shift them into new positions. Metal braces accomplish this by means of orthodontic wires. When exposed to heat, the wires stiffen, causing them to put force on your teeth. After months of precise pressure and movement, your new smile will be in place.

Invisalign utilizes the same concept, but a different set of tools. You don’t have to have brackets cemented to your teeth in order to see straighter results. Invisalign employs a series of clear aligner trays to gently move your teeth. These trays gradually change, shifting your teeth toward a straight smile. You will switch to a new tray about every two weeks, on average. After completing the course of treatment, you will wear retainers to retain the results.

Why Invisalign is Ideal for Adults

Invisalign addresses many of the problems that braces pose for adults seeking orthodontic treatment.

  • Invisibility – Metal braces are immediately noticeable to everyone who sees you smile. Invisalign is far subtler, and it may not even be noticed by those who aren’t paying close attention. The clear plastic trays fit teeth snugly, conforming to their shape and blending with your smile. Because the aligners are clear, you’ll also be able to watch your teeth straighten as the process continues.
    Macomb Invisalign treatment

    Invisalign treatment begins with a series of x-rays.

  • Convenience – Invisalign trays are removable, allowing you to be free of them when you need. This makes oral hygiene simple and unfettered by orthodontia. Simply pop out your aligners when you want to brush and floss. Moreover, Invisalign doesn’t demand the same number of appointments as metal braces. You’ll only need to visit our office once every six weeks to receive new trays and allow us to check on your progress. You will then switch to your new trays on your own.
  • Restriction-free – Metal braces change the way you think about food. With Invisalign, you will be able to dine and snack as you normally do. You won’t feel limited by your orthodontic treatment.

The Invisalign Process

Invisalign will take between 8 and 16 months, with average treatment time being 10-12 months. You will be in charge of your Invisalign progress – you need to choose to wear your trays. Because Invisalign aligners are removable, they are worn at your discretion. You will need to wear them for 20-22 hours every day. You’ll also need to switch to new Invisalign trays on schedule (Dr. Hoffman will provide you with a treatment timeline). Stay in charge of the process to complete treatment as quickly as expected.

Invisalign Candidates

Not every patient is able to straighten with Invisalign. In order for it to be an appropriate treatment, your malocclusion will need to be minor to moderate. Your jaws should be primarily well-aligned, with crooked teeth. We want to provide you with the orthodontic treatment that is truly right for you. In order to learn whether that treatment could be Invisalign, you’ll need to schedule a consultation. We look forward to helping you straighten!