woman's smile with straight teeth

Don’t want to deal with braces? You’re definitely not alone.

To be totally honest, traditional orthodontics can leave a lot to be desired. You have to have metal brackets bonded to your teeth and wear wires connecting them for months. You experience soreness after every orthodontic appointment. You have to adapt your diet and avoid your favorite foods to make sure you don’t damage your braces.

But for many, the straighter teeth at the end of the process make all the hassle worth it.

What if you could get a straight, gorgeous smile without having to go through this stressful experience? For some patients, orthodontic treatment may not actually be necessary. If you have only mildly crooked teeth, or just crooked front teeth but your back teeth fit together comfortably, it’s time to discuss other options.

If you’re unhappy with the appearance of your smile, meet with a cosmetic dentist to learn more about what you can do about less-than-straight teeth. Hoffman Dental Care offers a specific veneer that has helped many patients achieve their perfect grins without going through a frustrating process – more on that below.

Why Patients Love Lumineers

Porcelain veneers are thin shells that fit over your natural teeth. Portions of the tooth structure are removed so that the veneers will fit in place without making your teeth look or feel bulky. Through this process, natural teeth lose structure and anesthesia is necessary.

Lumineers help improve upon this process to make it as comfortable as possible for patients. The material that makes up Lumineers, cerinate porcelain, allows for them to be especially thin without losing strength. Lumineers are actually not thicker than a contact lens:

Macomb County Lumineers

What do Lumineers have to do with crooked teeth? They provide patients who are candidates for non-orthodontic straightening with a straightforward, comfortable and effective way to transform their smiles.

You’re probably wondering how you can tell whether your teeth are ideal for Lumineers as opposed to traditional braces. The only way to know for sure is to schedule a consultation with a dentist. But in order to help guide you and provide background information, we’ve put together some questions you can consider at home.

How to Tell If You Can Straighten Your Teeth without Braces

Our upper and lower jaws need to fit together comfortably and work as a harmonious unit. When you’re at rest, your jaws should feel good and you should not strain to shift your teeth. You should also be able to bite and chew comfortably.

For many people, this just isn’t a reality. Countless people are born with teeth that don’t fit together the way they would like – they don’t feel comfortable and they don’t form a confident smile. If you weren’t able to receive orthodontic treatment when younger, you might be wondering what you can do as adult.

Other conditions can also lead to shifting teeth, ranging from periodontal disease to bruxism to a variety of dental problems. No matter the cause of your crooked teeth, you may be a candidate for cosmetic straightening.

To get started, ask yourself these questions:

  • Are your front teeth your only crooked teeth?
    • Lumineers should only be used on your front teeth. Back teeth need to receive crowns, which accommodate stronger forces that are involved with biting and chewing. If your front teeth are either crowded or widely spaced with gaps between them, Lumineers could help.
  • Can you fit your back teeth together easily?
    • If you have larger issues with your bite, you will need to address these with a treatment other than veneers. Your occlusion needs to be healthy so that you will not experience jaw problems or other difficulties. Talk to your dentist about alternative orthodontics and adult braces that will work with your needs and your daily life.
  • Do you often bite your tongue or the inside of your cheeks when you’re chewing?
    • People who tend to accidentally bite the insides of their mouths while they’re eating are likely in need of traditional orthodontic treatment. If you experience this, your jaws are probably not working well together. This is both uncomfortable and potentially problematic on a long term basis. If you have crooked teeth, you may be more likely to experience dental problems or even a jaw disorder. You may also feel anxious about showing your smile and uncomfortable chewing and smiling day to day.
  • Have you ever had braces?
    • Braces during childhood don’t necessarily translate to straight teeth for life. If you haven’t continued to wear your retainers, your teeth might have shifted and your bite changed. Your teeth might move back to be closer to their former positions, and change your overall smile. But this is actually good news for your Lumineers / cosmetic straightening candidacy – you’re more likely to be able to use a more superficial treatment option to get back to a straight smile.

Ready to meet with a professional? Get in touch with our team with learn more about your options.

Macomb County Lumineers | Lumineers Macomb County | Macomb Dental Veneers