As a parent, you want to make sure your child’s oral health is in top shape from the very beginning. With a new baby, you may be wondering when to schedule your child’s first pediatric dental exam and what to expect.

This initial visit sets the tone for a lifetime of healthy smiles and helps your child develop a positive relationship with dental care. It’s good for you to know what to expect during your child’s first exam so you and your little one can feel prepared and at ease.

When to Schedule the First Dental Visit

It is recommended that children have their first dental visit by their first birthday or within six months of the eruption of their first tooth. This early visit allow us to assess your child’s oral health, provide guidance on proper oral hygiene practices, and address any potential issues before they become more serious.

Preparing for the Appointment

Before any dental appointment, talk to your child about the upcoming visit in a positive, age-appropriate manner. Explain who a dentist is and that they are there to help. You can even role-play a dental visit with your child (think about using a toothbrush and a stuffed animal) to help them feel more comfortable with the idea.

On the day of the appointment, make sure your child is well-rested and has had a light meal or snack. Consider bringing along any comfort items, like a favorite toy or blanket, to help your child feel more at ease during the visit.

What Happens at a Child’s First Dental Exam

During the first pediatric dental exam, we will focus on creating a welcoming, friendly environment for your child. The exam typically includes the following steps:

Introduction and Familiarization

Our staff will greet you and your child warmly, introduce ourselves, and explain the purpose of the visit. We may show your child the dental chair, tools, and equipment in a non-threatening way, using child-friendly language and demonstrations.

Oral Health Assessment

We will gently examine your child’s mouth, including her teeth, gums, jaw, and bite to assess their overall oral health. We may use a small mirror and light to get a better view of your child’s mouth. During this process, the dentist will look for any signs of decay, gum disease, or other oral health issues.

Cleaning and Fluoride Treatment

Depending on your child’s age and cooperation level, we may perform a gentle cleaning to remove any plaque or tartar buildup. We may also apply a fluoride treatment to help strengthen your child’s tooth enamel and prevent cavities.

Education and Guidance

One goal of early appointments is to discuss proper oral hygiene practices with you and your child, demonstrating techniques for brushing and flossing. We may also provide advice on diet, pacifier use, and thumb-sucking habits that can impact your child’s oral health.

Q&A and Follow-Up

This visit is also a great change for you to ask any question you may have about your child’s oral health and development, and we can also schedule the next appointment, typically within six months or a year, to monitor your child’s progress and ensure their oral health remains on track.

Creating a Positive Experience

Throughout the first pediatric dental exam, we will work to create a positive, enjoyable experience for your child. Our top goal is to help your child develop a positive association with both dental visits and oral health habits.

Call us today to make their first dental appointment and start your child on the way to a strong and healthy smile that will last a lifetime.