Young man trying to beat insomnia problems

At-home sleep apnea tests have been available since 2007 when the president of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine recognized the ability to have patients perform sleep tests from the comfort of their own bed. Doctors estimate that 18 million Americans have moderate to severe sleep apnea with 75% of them not even knowing it.

But are home tests really reliable in determining if you have sleep apnea?

How Do I Tell if I Have Sleep Apnea?

Sleep disorders interfere with your normal sleeping patterns, resulting in less-than-ideal nights. Whether the interference affects your breathing, muscle movement, or brain function, it leads to both frustration and potential additional health problems.

If you’re exhausted by ongoing sleep problems, it’s time to figure out the precise cause of your restlessness. Not sure whether sleep apnea is the problem?

Here are some distinct symptoms that can identify the issue as a breathing related one:

  • Sore or dry feeling throat every morning
  • Snoring
  • Waking up choking or gasping for air
  • Lack of energy
  • Sleepiness throughout the day, when driving and when at work
  • Frequent headaches or migraines
  • Waking up often during the night
  • Increasing or unusual inability to remember short-term events
  • Mood swings
  • Depression

How Does An At-Home Sleep Apnea Test Work?

First and foremost, just because at-home sleep apnea tests are available, doesn’t mean you should attempt to self-diagnose what can be major health issues. Always check with your healthcare professional before relying on a home test for results.

If you’re considering a home Sleep Apnea test, the process will look similar to this scenario:

  • The device will arrive by mail, and you will later return it by mail.
  • The home test is done over three nights, with the first night with no alcohol or caffeine, the second night with the typical amount, and the third with an elevated amount.
  • Following the directions is vital in ensuring as accurate of results as possible.
  • You will attach the wires as directed which typically includes a belt clipped around your chest, a finger poked into a blood-oxygen sensor and a breath sensor hooked over your ears and taped beneath your nose.
  • All monitors will be plugged into a monitoring system strapped onto your arm.
  • Once your monitoring is complete, you will return the system by mail so your results can be analysed.

Solutions For Sleep Apnea

If diagnosed with Sleep Apnea, finding a solution for your sleep disorder isn’t just a matter of getting a better night sleep. Because sleep apnea interrupts your breathing, long-term effects can include more serious diseases. Without a sufficient amount of oxygen to your brain and organs each night, an untreated sleeping disorder puts you at a higher risk of developing heart disease, stroke, and other medical problems.

CPAP Machine – The treatment choice for obstructive sleep apnea is the continuous positive airway pressure device. With the use of a mask that fits over the nose and/or mouth, and gently blows air into the airway to help keep it open while you sleep. This method of treatment is highly effective and often recommended by doctors as treatment for Sleep Apnea.

Oral Appliances – Depending on the severity of your Sleep Apnea, you could be a candidate for a simple oral appliance. This appliance works by moving the lower jaw slightly forward and holding the tongue in place or slightly forward, preventing the jaw or tongue from falling back and keeping your airways clear.

Those who suspect they might have sleep apnea but have never been professionally examined should schedule a consultation with a sleep specialist to determine the severity of the Sleep Apnea.

Can I Treat My Sleep Apnea with an Oral Appliance?

At Hoffman Dental Care, we offer only the best solutions for our patients. By recommending the ResMed Narval CC for sleep apnea treatment, we are able to provide our sleep apnea patients with a comfortable night sleep with the ability to speak clearly while the appliance is in. The Narval lets you move on with your life, without sleep apnea problems and without the use of big, loud machines taking up your nightstand. The Narval is constructed digitally, to craft a final product that feels completely natural and made just for you.

If you think you might be suffering from sleep apnea, don’t be intimidated by intricate sleep study testing. Contact Hoffman Dental Care today so we can help you find a solution that works for you.