Healthy gums

Most people spend more time looking into the mirror while brushing their teeth than they even realize. Noticing things like the appearance of your teeth is essential, but so is taking a closer examination of your gums. If you see anything that looks out of the ordinary, like swelling, bleeding or gum recession, these indications are all cause for alarm.

These symptoms are a sign of a potentially severe gum issue, and they shouldn’t ever be ignored. Here’s how to spot whether your gums look healthy or if a visit to your dentist is necessary.

Why Healthy Gums Matter

Your gums are the foundation of your entire smile. However, even while being the fundamental structure to your teeth, the health of the gums is often overlooked until symptoms of gum disease are evident.

Here’s why your gums are so crucial to your overall health:

Your Overall Appearance

Your smile is a perfect balance of tooth display and gum display. If your gums recede, they’ll throw off that balance, making your smile look overly toothy and not quite right. Gum disease damages gum tissue and change the long-term appearance of your teeth.

Necessary Tooth Support

Your teeth would be nowhere without the periodontal tissues. They protect tooth roots, support your bite, and help keep everything where it belongs.

Your Overall Health

While studies are ongoing, some have linked gum health to systemic health, with potential correlations between periodontitis and heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and more. You give yourself the best possible chance of staying healthy if you keep your gums strong and disease-free.

Oral Hygiene Tips To Prevent Gingivitis

Learn how to properly care for your gums at home to help avoid any concerns from gingivitis. Gum disease is the number one cause of tooth loss and can have long-term effects.

Eat A Well Balanced Diet

Ensuring your body is getting the proper nutrients it needs to thrive is vital to maintaining any healthy lifestyle, and your oral health is no exception. Limit your starch and sugar intake, which prevent plaque-forming bacteria and cause tooth decay. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables and lean proteins helps to keep the body in perfect working condition.

Brush Your Teeth With Correct Technique

When brushing your teeth, it’s vital to brush correctly to ensure that you’re reaching every tooth surface and brushing gently but thoroughly along the gum line where your teeth and gums meet. Brushing your teeth for a full two minutes, twice a day is the recommendation from the American Dental Association.

Don’t Forget To Floss

Flossing your teeth may seem like the thing your dentist always tells you to do, but you never really incorporate it into your dental routine until right before or after a dental checkup. Flossing is crucial to strengthen your gums and prevent the rise of gingivitis. To help create a healthy flossing habit, set a daily timer on your cell phone and leave dental floss in convenient places like your living room or your car during your commute when you’re sitting in traffic.

Use A Mouthwash

If you’ve struggled with gum disease and plaque buildup in the past, incorporating a mouthwash into your dental routine could help you receive a better score at your next dental checkup.

Schedule Regular Dental Exams Every Six Months

Visiting your dentist every six months for dental checkups and cleanings helps your dentist spot potential issues early on so they stay minor issues.

Signs of Gum Disease

Symptoms of gum disease may not appear until the disease reaches an advanced stage. Healthy gums should be pink in color, and they should not bleed after flossing. Any of the signs below could be a warning sign of gum disease.

  • Red, swollen or tender gums or other pain in your mouth
  • Bleeding while brushing, flossing, or eating hard food
  • Gums that are receding or pulling away from the teeth, causing the teeth to look longer than before
  • Loose or separating teeth
  • Pus between your gums and teeth
  • Sores in your mouth
  • Persistent bad breath
  • A change in the way your teeth fit together when you bite
  • A change in the fit of partial dentures

Nutrients To Boost Gum Health

Brushing, flossing, and rinsing your mouth will help to keep your mouth in excellent condition. In addition to these healthy habits, some foods are great for improving your gum health, too. To give your gums a boost, incorporate these foods into your diet:

  • Ginger Root
  • Apples
  • Milk
  • Yogurt
  • Cheese
  • Leafy Greens
  • Spinach
  • Celery
  • Cooked Beans
  • Raw Onion

If you notice your gums showing any of the mentioned signs of gum disease, contact Hoffman Dental Care right away. Together, we can reverse this severe infection that can lead to tooth loss if not treated.